SkyMax STAR + Polini Thor 202

The Star with Polini Thor 202 is a giant in the paramotor world. The combination of a light and strong frame with a powerful and fuel-efficient motor makes this set ideal for cross-country flights, for heavy pilots and of course for tandem flights. Outstanding motor performance and modern frame design make it an excellent choice for sport pilots. After all, to be a winner on a beautiful technique is the dream of any fan of paramotor sports!
The model based on the Polini Thor 202 engine (85 kg of thrust) has exceptional driving characteristics, which allows you to maximize the tasks of your expedition.

Some technical details:

Manufacturer: SkyMax Paramotors

Gross weight: 30 kg

Engine: Polini Thor 202

Thrust: 85 kg

Frame weight: 5,8 kg

Harness weight: 3 kg

Frame material: Aviation aluminum, titanium

Propeller: E-Props 140

ATOM Engine technical specifications:

Cycle: Two-stroke

Volume: 78.2cc

Power: 16 HP at 9500 rpm

Fuel consumption: 2.7 l/h at 30 kg static thrust and 130 cm propeller at 7200 rpm

Weight: 10.4 kg (Manual version)

Maximum thrust: 52 kg with 125 cm propeller at 9650 rpm / 55 kg with 130 cm propeller at 9600 rpm

Acceptable plane luggage: yes (dimensions and weight with paramotor up to 32 kg allow it to be checked in as usual baggage on an airplane)



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Pilots can choose the following parameters for themselves:

  • Seat belt size. Standard or XL
  • Hoop size - 1420 or 1520 mm
  • Frame color
  • Hoop and cage color

Ask color availability at your dealer center

black color
blue color
red color
NEW! gold color

For more customizing features, please, contact us.


Watch some helpful assembling instructions.
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