Our PPG technical specialists, coaches and training schools. Choose nearest flight school to your location
Flight school «Paradigm», UK.
The school has already released more than 130 people into the sky. Groups are recruited in different cities and the school itself comes to its students.
Backpack Airsports provides flight training for PPG from our training facility in Sedan, South Australia. We provide theory classes, ground handling training, training hill flights, tow flights, and our Level 1 & Level 2 flight training courses.
What will happen if you add an atom + 90kg pilot + viper 4 16? Right, you can fly very well, because the atom has enough thrust even for such a heavy pilot and such a small wing.
SKYMAX Powered Paramotor w/ RETRACTA trike! Best PPG trike combo
Watch this review of SkyMax paramotor and the Retracta Trike.